Asia-Wide Campaign against U.S.-Japanese domination and aggression of Asia

Asia-Wide Campaign against U.S.-Japanese domination and aggression of Asia





About AWC-Japan

Asia-Wide Campaign against U.S.-Japanese domination and aggression of Asia -Japan (AWC-Japan) is a people's organization in Japan that was formed in 1996. AWC-Japan is composed of labor unions, citizen groups, youth and student organizations and individuals, etc.

AWC-Japan have promoted anti-war, anti-U.S. bases and anti-neoliberal globalization campaign in solidarity with oppressed but struggling people in Asia and the rest of the world. We have also engaged in the growing movement against nuclear power plant in Japan positively.

Recent Activities

May 2011:
Join anti-US bases rally in Okinawa, demanding to stop building of new US bases there
June 2011:
Join the nationwide coordinated rallies to demand the shut-down of all nuclear power plants in Japan immediately.
August 2011:
Held anti-nuke rally in Hiroshima on August 6, with sons and daughters of Atomic-bomb victims
August 2011:
Organize 'Peace Tour to Jeju' to show the solidarity for villagers who are struggling against construction of naval base and hold an international forum on militarism and neo-liberalism there
September 2011:
Join the nationwide coordinated rallies to demand the shut-down of all nuclear power plants in Japan immediately.
November 2011:
Held anti-U.S. bases rally in Iwakuni, Japan, where US and Japanese government intend to expand and consolidate the US marine base recently.
January 2012:
Join the 15th Campaign Coordinating Body meeting of AWC in Seoul, South Korea

International Solidarity

AWC-Japan is a wing of Asia-Wide Campaign against U.S.-Japanese aggression and domination of Asia (AWC) as an network of anti-imperialist organization in the Asia-Pacific region.

Since establishment of the network, we have promoted joint action and mutual support among people’s movement in South Korea, Philippines, Taiwan-China, Indonesia and the US, etc. AWC have organized joint actions against their international organizations and conferences like WTO, APEC and G8 summit meeting that have promoted neoliberal globalization; concerted actions against U.S.-led imperialist war of aggression and military intervention in Asia and the world; joint campaigns for withdrawal of all U.S. troops from Asia and; international supports against government’s repression in respective countries/areas.

AWC-Japan is also member organization of International League of People's Struggle (ILPS).

Contact Us

Email: awc.sec.21 (at)
Tel: +81-774-43-8721 Fax: +81-774-44-3102
Address: #3F Pearl Dai-ichi Building
99-14 Nishiura, Uji, Kyoto, Japan
(written in Feb 2012)

# Resist neo-liberal globalization! Defend the rights of workers and people!

Prolonged global economic and financial crisis have given serious impact to workers and people in the world. Also in Japan, the living condition of workers and people has been getting worse because of neoliberal policies that the government and monopoly capitalists have promoted. They have also promoted conclusion of bilateral/multilateral FTA and EPA, sacrificing domestic farmers and rights of workers. As the result, the poverty expand among people and more than one of three workers are employed as irregular worker now. We fight fight against such neoliberal agenda and defend the right of workers and people.

# Withdraw all the U.S. bases from Asia and the rest of the world!

We oppose imperialist war of aggression and any kind of military intervention under the U.S.-led military alliances. The united states keep many U.S. bases in Japan by Japanese government's host nation support. The U.S. troops stationed in Japan have send even to Iraq and Afghanistan in order to carry out their military operation. Recently the U.S. and Japanese governments have planed to consolidate further U.S. bases in Okinawa, Iwakuni and Kanagawa, regardless of broad people's opposition. We oppose strengthening U.S.-Japan military alliance and fight to withdrawal of all the U.S. bases from Japan, Asia and the rest of the world.

# Shut down all nuclear power plants!

A heavy earthquake and a tsunami wave in Fukushima, Japan, on 11 March 2011 have caused one of the most serious catastrophe in the history of nuclear power plant. It clearly proved that the production of nuclear power is incalculably risky and uncontrollable with the current level of technology. Japanese government and electric power monopolies still persist to maintain nuclear power plant but people's movement against nukes is growing rapidly in every cities. We demand that the government shut down all the nuclear power plants immediately and adopt the renewable energy policy.

# Oppose racist attacks!

We oppose racist attacks against Korean in Japan and migrant workers,etc. In the deepening of class contradiction, activities of racist groups in Japan become active than before. Their activities are encouraged by the government's racist policies such as exclusion of Korean School from tuition-free subsidy program, etc. With broad concerned people, we fight against racism and discrimination.

# Strengthen international solidarity to resist imperialist plunder and war!

In order to organize and develop people's fight-back against imperialist and capitalist attacks, we seek to develop our solidarity with oppressed but struggling people in Asia and the rest of the world. We believe that your struggle is our struggle. Build and strengthen international solidarity to resist imperialist and capitalist exploitation, plunder and war!

Asia-Wide Campaign against U.S.-Japanese aggression and domination of Asia



About AWC-Japan (PDF)

Email: awc.sec.21 (at)

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